Lessons, insights and wisdom for those seeking to consecrate their lives to YHWH through Jesus Christ david eckman icon 'But his delight is in the law of YHWH, and in His law he meditates day and night.' Psalm 1:2

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Welcome. Today is This is another wonderful day that YHWH* has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

The lessons, essays and other writings listed below are offered freely to the body of Jesus Christ to share what YHWH has given me. Please feel free to print out any of the following works, so that you can study them and especially the Bible references. Permission is granted to print and distribute them so long as the entire work is printed and distributed and no money is charged or received, even for the cost of printing. Freely you have received, freely you shall give (Matt. 10:8).

Christian Fundamentals:

The Name of the One True, Living God
There is only one true, living God in the universe. Learn who this God is and why it is important to use his name rather than call him 'God' or even 'the LORD'. [26.Dec.2005, last rev. 21.Jan.2015]

Jesus Is the Only Way
What did Jesus mean when he said he is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through him? Did he mean it just like it sounds? What's behind that statement? Explore and understand it from a Biblical perspective. [4.Sep.2004, last rev. 9.Aug.2009]

Why Call Him Jesus?
Jesus' name has a history as far back as Moses. Explore how his name became what it is and why using it makes a difference. [10.Dec.2010, last rev. 17.Dec.2012]

Why We Need Pentecost
What is the day of Pentecost? What makes events that happened long ago so important to Christians today? What is Pentecost about, and why did Jesus make it part of being an effective Christian? [4.Feb.2006, last rev. 21.Apr.2008]

Living as a Christian:

Full-Time Ministry
What most Christians believe about the term 'full-time ministry' and being called to it differs greatly from what the Bible teaches. What, then, is full-time ministry? Who is called to it? How does someone know if they are called? Consider what the Bible says on the subject. [14.Jul.2007, last rev. 14.Jul.2010]

Knowing YHWH's Will in Our Lives
How can we know the will of the true, living God? How can we know what he wants us to do with our lives or in a given situation? How can we know where he wants us? How do we know if we're living in his will? These and other questions answered from a Biblical point of view offer insight and considerations for anyone truly seeking to know the Father's will. [2.Jul.2004, last rev. 26.Jul.2007]

Spiritual Warfare Basics
All people, even those who don't like fighting, experience attacks and struggles that have a spiritual background, and whether we want to or not, we either fight the spiritual battles or we suffer. Fortunately, the Bible tells us how to cope with such spiritual warfare. Thousands of people have benefitted from this information, many reporting with surprise that it 'worked'. [11.Jul.1999, last rev. 1.Aug.2009]

Restoring the Church
The true Church, the one Jesus created still exists but barely functions as he created it to. Explore what the true Church is, what it looks like, where to find it, and how it can be restored. [30.Jun.2007, last rev. 4.Sep.2008]

Godly Leadership
What makes someone a Godly leader? Who is called to that role? The Bible gives answers that seem to have been ignored by the Church. But there is hope if Christians will accept the guidance, direction, and instruction given us by YHWH. [20.Jun.2004, last rev. 9.Sep.2013]

Tithes and Offerings
In the Hebrew Bible, the Christian's Old Testament, YHWH commanded the children of Israel to give tithes and offerings. Some were to support the Levites and priests and some were for widows, orphans and aliens. How much of that requirement survived Jesus and the creation of the Church? Find out what the Bible has to say on that subject. [14.Aug.2007, last rev. 5.Sep.2013]

Christians Can Make a Difference
A war has been launched to destroy our culture's morality. What's behind it and why don't Christians have more influence? Maybe we should reconsider the gift that only Christians have. Jesus has given Christians a unique way to overcome the forces behind that war. Let's answer Jesus' call to do it his way. [22.Jun.1999, last rev. 31.May.2012]


Does God Still Heal?
Explore whether the God of the Bible still heals today as he did in the past, and if so, how. The experience of those who have sought such healing confirms what the Bible tells us. [24.Mar.2002, last rev. 19.Jul.2012]

Healing Past Hurts
Wounds from past hurts can afflict the inner person, disrupting and causing problems in a person's life. If you recognize past hurts or emotional wounds interfering with your life, take hope. Jesus still heals, and his healing includes past hurts. This information includes instructions for prayer ministers who pray with individuals seeking healing of such hurts. [7.Jul.2003, last rev. 5.Nov.2012]


Praying Effectively
The Bible tells much about communicating with YHWH. Applying what it teaches reveals why prayer is so important to living in Jesus and will help make praying more effective. If prayer has become dry or ineffectual, you will be encouraged by these scriptures, observations and suggestions. [5.Jan.2004, last rev. 10.Apr.2012]

Hearing God: YHWH Still Speaks
From the earliest Hebrew patriarchs through Moses, Joshua, the prophets and Jesus, the Bible reveals that YHWH, the one true, living God, communicated to and through them. Does he still speak to his people, and can people still hear him? Explore how YHWH communicates today and how we can receive or hear what he communicates. [5.Mar.2007, last rev. 6.Feb.2015]

Healing Past Hurts
See description above under 'Healing'.


Bible Translations - Which is Best?
Which Bible translation is the best? A brief overview of the history of the Bible, its origin, its languages, its translation, how to select one, what other study aids to use, the merits of several translations and why I chose the one I use most. [23.Dec.2005, last rev. 24.Jun.2013]

Messages of a prophetic nature to certain congregations within the Church, the body of Jesus Christ, for the United States and for others. These contain lessons for churches, nations and persons besides those to whom they were addressed, but they and their application should be tested under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. [15.Nov.2008, last rev. 18.Feb.2011]

Websites Worth Visiting
Links to several websites that I consider worthy of visiting, with brief descriptions of what they offer. This is not an exclusive list of worthy websites, just a list I've developed.

Articles related to legal subjects
Articles on many subjects of interest to Christians (and others) can be found at my professional website, Eckman-Law.com. Information is provided about such subjects as car loans; home purchases and sales and related issues; contracts; child support; divorce and debts; investments; wills, living trusts, powers of attorney and other estate planning tools; selecting and employing a lawyer; lawyers fees; and prizes, 'free offers' and other scams.

*YHWH or YHVH is the English representation of the four Hebrew letters that spell the name of the God of the Bible who revealed himself in and through his son Jesus Christ and acts, among other ways, in and through Christians by the Holy Spirit. Read The Name of the One True, Living God for a fuller discussion.